Student Chapter History & Introduction

The members of AREMA Committee 24 – Education and Training have identified a need and desire of AREMA members and university students for Student Chapters. The main goal of the Chapters is to bring students interested in railroading together in a group setting, where their interest can be directed toward activities that facilitate and advance their academic curiosity in railway engineering. These Chapters also help to fulfill the missing connection between the railway industry and university students / faculty advisors, whereby the Chapters form a symbiotic relationship with industry ties for students and professors and a strong promoting and recruiting tool for AREMA and industry representatives. AREMA hopes that these Chapters become the key link for increased interaction and cooperation between railway professionals and students.

To ensure the successful implementation and continuation of the Chapters, AREMA and its members are encouraged to become an integral part of their activities by offering support and mentoring relationships. The easiest way to get started is to contact the Student Chapter Coordinator and request for information on alternative ways to get involved with Student Chapter activities.

AREMA Student Chapters are limited to North America.  However, if International inquiries are received, AREMA can provide industry information, educational opportunities, and AREMA membership benefits/details.


  • Employment opportunities through the railroads and industry consultants; becoming part of (and availing oneself of) a world-wide network of railway professionals; including prospective employers and peers.
  • Direct access to the industry professionals through the Student Chapter Coordinator and Chapter Industry Liaison.
  • A complimentary first year of student member dues.
  • Subscriptions to Railway Track and Structures (RT&S) and Progressive Railroading magazines.
  • The opportunity to seek understanding of subdisciplines within the railway engineering field.


Current List of Student Chapters

Student Chapter Information

Roles & Responsibilities  
Organizational Structure

Student Chapter Governance

Establishing a Student Chapter
Sample Petition (Word)
Sample Charter (Word)  (PDF)
Sample Bylaws (Word)  (PDF)
Sample Annual Report (Excel)
Sample Membership Drive Letter (Word)  (PDF)
Sample Calendar (Word)  (PDF)
Robert's Rules of Order
Guest Speaker Request