Honorary Members

Honorary Members are persons of acknowledged eminence in railway/transit engineering or management and of high ethical and professional standards, and have contributed substantially to the profession and the association.
Nomination/Selection Procedure

ARBBA - American Railway Bridge and Building Association
AREA - American Railway Engineering Association
AREMA - American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association
RMWA - Roadmasters and Maintenance-of-Way Association

Members who are deceased are noted in gray italics

J.E. Armstrong (AREA)
William F. Armstrong (ARBBA)
William S. Autrey (AREA)
T.A. Blair (AREA)
R.M. Brown (AREA)
D.J. Brumley (AREA)
 Ralph Budd (AREA)
J. Budzileni (ARBBA)
J.L. Campbell (AREA)
Charley Chambers (AREMA)
H.R. Clarke (AREA)
C.J. Code (AREA)
William J. Cruse (RMWA)
W.C. Cushing (AREA)
Fred D. Day (ARBBA)
Grenville M. Dodge (AREA)
J.M.R. Fairbairn (AREA)
W.T. Faricy (AREA)
John Fox (AREA)
Michael W. Franke, PE (AREMA)
L.C. Fritch (AREA)
C.J. Geyer (AREA)
Ben J. Gordon (AREA)
C.G. Grove (AREA)
E.M. Hastings (AREA)
Tom B. Hutcheson (AREA, RMWA)
Walter R. Hyma (ARBBA)
T.H. Johnson (AREA)
W.J. Jones (RMWA)
G.W. Kittredge (AREA)

W.C. McCormick (RMWA)
H. McDonald (AREA)
Robert W. McKnight (AREMA)

Huburt V. Meek (RMWA)
David V. Messman (AREA)
James N. Michel, PE (ARBBA)
C.A. Morse (AREA)
C.H. Mottier (AREA)
C.E. Neal (RMWA)
G.M. O'Rourke (AREA)
Frank Richter (ARBBA) 
Erwin E. Runde (ARBBA)
Donald V. Sartore (AREA)
John T. Sharkey, PE (AREMA)
D.C. Shepard (AREA)
L.K. Silcox (AREA)
Nate E. Smith (RMWA)
Roger K. Steele (AREMA)
W.B. Storey (AREA)
Walter C. Sturm (ARBBA)
J.G. Sullivan (AREA)
A.N. Sullivan (AREA)

Karl W. Sutherland (RMWA)
Robert A.P. Sweeney, P.Eng. (AREMA)
J.J. Swiderski (RMWA)
A.N. Talbot (AREA)
Vincent R. Terrill (AREMA)

J.F. Wallace (AREA)
Mark C. Walbrun, PE (AREMA)
Herbert G. Webb (AREMA)
Jack R. Williams (ARBBA)
James M. Williams (ARBBA)
Arthur W. Worth, P.Eng.  (AREMA)

Allan M. Zarembski, Ph.D., PE (AREMA)